
i heart new year's challenge day 7

Are you like me? Could you do the whole I Heart New Year's Challenge over again and still have more to do? The beauty of all of the reading about taking on change in small, manageable chunks is that it reminds me that I have the entire year to work on this stuff.
My major goal in the I Heart New Year's Challenge was to start thinking of ways to make my life feel less chaotic...

...and more restful.

Today (Day7) is for 'overflow.'  I have some big plans for today- it's kind of overflow from 'Organizing.' But today I'm not organizing my craft room. Nope, my organizational subject matter for the day is TIME. I found this Time Management series at Money Saving Mom about a month ago, but promised myself (and Adam) that I wouldn't try to do any major schedule overhauling until January (though, earlier this week, I did make the weekly cleaning schedule pictured below). Specifically, I'm making a Time Budget for us- trying to figure out how to fit all of our priorities into a 24 hour day and still get some sleep.
What are you up to today? Resting? Overflowing? Time managing? We can't wait to hear about it

ps- We're putting together a post highlighting YOUR organization and creation during the I Heart New Year's Challenge! If you blogged about it and would like to be highlighted on the kojoblog, would you send us an email with the link by Monday night?

1 comment:

  1. Today I am working and (on a break now as I time managed it!) getting my "one extra thing done per day" that I want to do all winter! Thanks for the i heart new years challenge. It was fun.


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