
i heart new year's challenge wrap up

Congrats to Mandy (#22), Ruthie (#45), Amanda (#1), Stephanie (#13), AKKimmie (#33... and we don't have your contact info- will you send it our way?) and Emily (#65) who won 2011 planners just by joining us from the I Heart New Year's Challenge (I ended up pooling all of the comments from all of the days for the giveaways because I think that might've been confusing). :)
We've loved getting life a bit more organized- hopefully you have too! And with a labeled and organized craft room, a 2011 Bucket list and a new Inspiration Board (more to come on that!), we're already loving the fruits of our I Heart New Years challenges.

A few of your highlights from this week of Organization and Scrubbing and Creating and Planning?
 Tara Being Tara organized her craft room- so lovely!
I love this post about inspiration at Domestic Deadline. And you should see her organized craft room! Emily's crafty bucket list is right there on the sidebar of her blog- what a great idea!
The dreaming at Smaenglenes verksted is a good read!
Ooooh, the neat and tidy makeup/toiletry organization at Making the Moments Matter inspires me!
 This oh-so-organized desk at The Mommy Quest is fabulous.
The paper flower jars and  t-shirt braiding creativity at homework are both just lovely!

Thanks for joining us!


  1. Thanks for featuring me! I love you guys and your wonderful blog!!

  2. YEAH!!! Thanks girls for getting us motivated in 2011.

  3. Thanks so much for featuring me! You guys are a great motivation, I wish I lived closer to my sister so we could do stuff together too.

  4. WOW!!! , I'm so excited to be picked for a planner. Thank you so very much, not only for the planner but for the inspiration this week gave me!!! Plus your blog is so fun!!

    A million thanks

  5. Wow!! Thank you so much. What an awesome way to start the New year! I am still organizing around here too, this just got me in the groove to change things!

  6. Is that your craft room. It is so cheery. I am JEALOUS!


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