
destash linky party (and PRIZES!)


Have you been using up and clearing out? We'd love to see your DeStash projects!

As an added, and Oh-So-Fabulous bonus, every project you link up is also an entry for three amazing prizes!

The Fat Quarter Shop (check them out on twitter and facebook)- home to the most fantastic selection of fat quarter bundles I've seen,

a wide variety of gorgeous jelly rolls, layer cakes and charm packs,
supplier of beautiful designs and designers,

(including my latest fabric crush) is offering TWO $50 gift certificates to Spring DeStashers

AND, the fabulous shoppe Felt on the Fly, offerer of heirloom quality felt,

with an amazing selection (94 colors- check out all that spring-y green!),

perfect for needlework, party decor, Waldorf style crafts, and so much more,
is offering ten sheets of wool felt to a Spring DeStasher!

All you have to do to enter is link up your Stash-Crafted projects (please put the Spring DeStash button on your post)! Happy DeStashing, friends!

*Three winners will be drawn. Make sure to leave an email address so we can contact you (if you don't, we'll draw another winner). Post must include the Spring DeStash button to qualify. Giveaway closes March 18th at midnight.


  1. Great prizes! When does the linky party start?

  2. Perhaps you are aware of this but you button that you are requiring to be posted does not link anywhere when clicked on. It comes up as error 404. I will post what you have as to be required but will you be posting another code that will work properly? I hate using bad urls.

  3. Would love to win any of these prizes!

  4. I had one more project to link up... guess I missed the cut-off. Forgot to check the timezone, LOL! Anyways here is my last project:


  5. So glad I am not too late! Great prizes and such a fun linky. Thanks so much!

  6. Thanks for the link up party. Here's to hoping I win :)

    creativemommas at

  7. Thanks for this opportunity! I love the Fat Quarter Shop so I'm glad I just made the deadline!!!

  8. Thanks for the motivation! Hope I win!


We LOVE hearing from you- thanks so much for taking the time to comment!

If you are asking a question, PLEASE be sure your e-mail is either in your comment or linked to your profile so we can get back to you!