
guest tutorial from made by heidi- quiet book

Have I told you that my favorite part about doing So You Think You're Crafty and Project Run and Play was getting to know the other contestants? After a few weeks of emailing back and forth with today's guest from Made by Heidi about blog design, project stress and helping our hubbies through grad school, she is now one of our best blog buddies. Not only is she a great friend, the girl has fabulous ideas (like her blog design 101 series, her printable Dr. Seuss cards, or her ipad case tutorial)- we just love her. And you will too!

Today, she's here to share a way to help all of us DeStash by using up some of our paper supply!

Hi! I'm 
from Sew.Craft.Create. and I'm a self-proclaimed "stuff-purger"... 

{unless an object has significant emotional value it won't last long at my house. I'm constantly re-organizing/throwing away any unneeded (and maybe even some needed ones -lol) items.}

I like clean closets...well... all but one... the unaware this looks like a perfectly normal closet. Little do they know... it hides a dark, shameful secret...

I hoard all things crafty! 

This closet is filled top to bottom with paper, stamps, ribbon, material (all kinds: silk, cotton, denim, laminated cotton, etc.), buttons, glue, mod podge, paint, chalk, glitter, velcro, velum, tulle, batting, self lamination, snaps, unfinished projects, finished projects, wreaths, etc, etc, etc.... get the picture? ;)

so when Kirstin and Jordan asked me to participate in a little "destashing" I was all over it!! I grabbed my humongous stack of paper and created this little pretty (p.s. can you tell I have two little girls?)


What you need:
12 sheets of white 5.5 X 8 1/2 paper for the inside pages
2 sheets of hard cardstock (5.5 X 8 1/2 inches) for the front/back cover
Hole puncher
Three rings to hold book together
Sticky velcro dots
Hot glue gun
Self Laminating paper
4 inch piece of ribbon (with burned edges) 
and a bunch of scrapbook paper!

This project is pretty self-explanatory. It can be explained in 7 easy steps:
1. Glue all of the main objects to the white paper and make all of the corresponding pieces. 
2. Laminate everything.
3. Cut out the separate pieces and trim the edges of the main pages.
4. Add sticky velcro dots to everything that needs them.
5. Three-hole punch all of the pages.
6. Add rings.
7. Hot glue the ribbon to the back of the book, wrap it around front and add a velcro dot to keep closed!

Voila! Now go to your own closets (I assume I'm not the only one?) and get to "destashing"!!


I can't say this enough, we love, love, love, love this girl... take a minute to go say hi at Made by Heidi!


  1. Oh. My. Goodness. That is freakin adorable!!!

  2. I would have never thought of using paper for a quiet book. It' so cute. Thanks Heidi for the fabulous inspiration. I now have hope I can use up all my old scrapbook paper.

  3. Oh my goshness! Just love it! This is almost to cute! Thank you for a fb tutorial, I'm so making these for my boys!

    The closet isn't to bad, at least the door shuts, my craft closet doesn't!

  4. Okay, that is AMAZING! My girls (2 and 4) will love it-- and it would be a great homemade birthday gift!

  5. I wish i could come up with ideas like this--people are so creative! i will have to content myself with copying this one :) Too adorable!

  6. Such a cute idea! I love the ice cream cone. Hurry up summer :) Thanks for the inspiration

  7. gorgeous! I love it! my daughter NEEDS one for church!
    hmmm... does it count as destashing if I need to buy a laminator??

  8. ack, wait. I just remembered velcro is only quiet until you're sitting in church and your kid is like RRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPP... I'll have to stick with making a felt one. Scratch the laminator.

  9. Wow. Now that is pure cuteness. Love it. All of it. So great. I need one. I want one for myself. Oh, I meant my kids! : )

  10. wow I think this is the absolute cutest quite book I've ever seen. so great

  11. Yay! Thanks so much! You don't know how long I've been staring at that huge stack of paper! SOOOO happy that I finally did something with it! Woohoo for de-stashing!!!

  12. Darling! I think we all hoard crafty things and it always is an organization dilemma! : ) I just popped on over and became a follower at Heidi's blog! Thank you!

  13. That is darling. Simply darling.

  14. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [05 Mar 12:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  15. This is so cute, and I love that it's made out of paper. I love the mail a letter page!

  16. This project is REALLY cute!! Although with little boys, I woudl have to have with with army guns, tanks, and the like.

  17. My sister is getting married in May and she has 4 little ones in her wedding party (including my 3 1/2 yo and 1 1/2 yo guess what I will be making them to keep them busy during the reception...thanks so much! I will take pics and try to remember to post (3 girly and 1 boyish in planning)
    amamas2centsworth at rogers dot com

  18. Oh wow. THat quiet book is soooo sweet. Beautiful. So many great ideas. :)

  19. WHAT AN ADORABLE IDEA!!! :o) I think I'm going to have to make one! I Love this!!

  20. Our kids are quite grown, and I had never heard of a "Quiet Book" We do have grandchildren, though, and I will be making these books for each of them, and for my little niece as well. Thank you SO much for the inspiration!

  21. What a great idea, I have been wanting something like this for my little guy but I was only thinking of something sewn which would just be too time consuming right now. This I can do! Thanks for posting this.

  22. this is an awesome idea! my kids are still super little - but i will def be making one of these when they get a little bigger! :)

  23. This is so wonderful! My mom made me a quiet book when I was a little girl. Hers was quite complex but this looks simple enough even for me. :)

  24. This is so cute and exactly what I need to help keep my 20 month old busy while homeschooling! Thank You!

  25. This could easily be designed to add different pages - instead of matching, you could do colors, and numbers for a preschooler learning all of that!

  26. I LOVE this. I've seen many quiet books but they've all used felt and required sewing. I don't sew and I don't usually have a bunch of felt lying around. But scrapbook paper, etc. I DO have. We'll be driving from TN to FL this summer so I want to make some of these for my kids. AND I got a steal of a deal on a laminator a while back and I haven't had a reason to use it yet. Thanks!

  27. Thanks I really like how diffrent this is. I'm going to have to sit down and think about one for my Grandson

  28. I love this project! I love doing paper crafts and this one is awesome. Now to get out all my paper scraps and other items! Love it!

  29. This is such a sweet project! Really very cute. I think it would work well with felt too. Genius...I mean, who doesn't love quiet?

  30. Oh the power of velcro and paper!! Thank you so much for sharing this! Genuinely creative!

    Anyway, it won't be as "quiet" as anyone would desire... imagine sitting in a church and a ZZZZRRRPPP sounds emerge...

  31. Loved your work!
    The 'Fly a kite' one is amazing!
    Perhaps I may try these pages with my grandson.Thanks for sharing!

  32. Adorable! Tks for sharing such a good idea...
    Hugs from Brazil


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