
rosemary flavored sea salt

Seems as though we're on a bit of a rosemary kick around here. With an abundance of fresh rosemary in the garden, it's easy to imagine why. And this Rosemary Sea Salt is too good (and too simple!) not to share.

To make some, grab a sprig or two of rosemary...
...strip the leaves from the stalk...
...measure it out (I had a fourth of a cup) and add one part rosemary for every six parts coarse sea salt to a food processor (for me, that meant 1/4 c rosemary, 1 and 1/2 c sea salt). Blend.
Store in a little spice jar. Yum! Yum! Yum!

Our favorite use for this concoction is sprinkled on tomatoes, which are also in abundance in the garden right now (Ok, I'll be honest, after I typed that, I ran out to the garden, got a few tomatoes, sprinkled them with the rosemary salt and had a little latenight snack. Haha!). It's also good on chicken, on grilled pizza (I bet'd be great with bruschetta), or in the place of salt in any rosemary friendly recipe. :)

ps- If you're making this for a gardenless friend and you have tomatoes in your garden, be a dear and include a little bunch of tomatoes with the salt.
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  1. thanx for the tip ! i have a lot of rosemary in my garden !

  2. i love this! I think it'd make for a great hostess gift! I shared it here:


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