
rosemary peach lemonade

You didn't think we'd share the pics of the drink competition without a little recipe goodness, did you?

A little backstory on the lemonade- we're loving the trend of adding herbs to drinks (and other sweet things, like donut glazes). The mojito could be considered a pioneer in this category (and a darn good one at that), making way for concoctions such as this de.lic.ious. Rosemary Peach Lemonade. After a little experimenting, we found a combo that is perfectly herb-y, a little tart and a little sweet. And, if it's good enough to win the Drink Competition, you should try it. Seriously.

To make some Rosemary Peach Lemonade, you'll need-
-6 sprigs of rosemary
-3/4 cups sugar
-1 cup water
-2 lemons
-1 quart peach lemonade (we used Santa Cruz Organic Peach Lemonade)

Combine rosemary, sugar and water in pot. Bring to simmer for ten minutes.

Strain out rosemary. Combine rosemary syrup with the juice of two lemons. Refrigerate mixture to let the flavors marry.

Add four cups of peach lemonade to the mixture (taste and add more peach lemonade or more lemon juice if you prefer). Serve over ice with a sprig of rosemary.

Yum! *Stacked lemon presentation purely optional! ;)

*If you want to make this a 'cocktail' (not a 'mocktail'), add 2 T of rum to each serving (or 1/2 C to the pitcher).

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  1. This sounds so good ... I can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  2. um ya, i would totally do the stacked lemon fun!
    oh, and i'm feeling a bit overwhelmed today with stuff to get done...can you just drive over real quick...we could actually help each other. i can see this being very beneficial to both of us. think about it...let me know ;)

  3. Wow! This project is really original!


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