
vintage sheet flower corsages

After this mornings round up of vintage sheet goodness, don't you want to make something with your stash? This is the PERFECT project for you if so! These fabric flower corsages made from vintage sheets are easy, fairly quick, and only use a little fabric (or even scraps!).

I made these corsages as Baby Shower Favors, instead of making something yummy and edible, as is my custom. And, I'll be honest, I don't think we had any left over!

For the larger fabric flower corsages, I used the sewn dahlia tutorial, but substituted vintage sheets for the felt petals and used pretty buttons for the centers.

The smaller flower corsages are just a strip of fabric with a basting stitch along one edge that are gathered up into ruffles, hot glued together to make a circle, and finished off with buttons in the centers as well. This tutorial by Jenny of Hank and Hunt is similar.

ps- Pics of the retro-y, vintage-y, garden-y Baby Shower are coming. I'm not exaggerating when I say- it. was. gorgeous. And because I had the help of four insanely talented co-hostesses, I can say that. :)
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  1. I absolutely love these, and I guarantee I'll be making some VERY soon! {Well, when I have time that is! ;D}

    -Many Smiles!!

  2. So so cute! I love vintage sheets!

  3. Oi, eu amei o seu blog! Parabéns!!! beijos

  4. Love all of them. Every single one.

  5. This is re-purposing at it's finest!
    Thanks for the great ideas :)


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