
seeit.loveit.- vintage sheet goodness

Vintage sheets are one of my favorite items to snap up at thrift stores. Tons of fabric paired with loads of vintage-y character? Yes please. And I’m not the only one. The Geniuses of the Internet are using these babies to make quilts, dresses, wreaths, totes, file folders and other goodness.
top to bottom, left to right

You might've noticed this above- there’s even a vintage sheet blog!

Do you have a vintage sheet collection? Where do you find these gems- do share!

ps- Come back later today for a kojomade vintage sheet project! 

ppss- The WINNER of the Canton Village Quilt Works fabric giveaway was #68, Lindsay Conner! Congrats!
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  1. I have some, but not a huge collection. I got mine at a church rummage sale...

  2. I'm lucky enough to live about 30 minutes away from Canton's Trade Days- The World's Largest Flea Market! My sister and I found a little shop tucked away in the glorious A/C that has vintage quilts for under $10, lace, doilies, pillowcases & sheets and more for dirt cheap!! And now I have a bunch of inspiration for what to do with them! Thanks!

  3. I LOVE vintage sheets. The majority of the fabric I own is from vintage sheets. I usually have good luck finding them at yard sales, but I also order from Whimsie Dots on Etsy. She has some amazing items!!

    Thanks for sharing all these!!

    -Many Smiles!

  4. I'm seriously dying over these vintage sheet projects!! ALL OF THEM!! The napkins you posted recently are so sweet! Thanks so much for the inspiration. I've linked this on pinterest and on my fb page b/c I love it so much! Ha!


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