
candy corn cupcakes

These Candy Corn Cupcakes are an October tradition around here. We love 'em! Better for you cupcakes (recipe courtesy of Dana!) in stacks of orange, yellow, and white and topped off with a whole layer of sprinkles- GLORY! They just scream "Fall Fun!"

We figured you might need to whip up a batch or two as well. ;)

To make them, mix up a batch of white cake batter (use the lightened recipe by dana at made to make them better for you!). Divide into three bowls and tint one bowl  of batter orange and another yellow. Leave the last bowl of batter white.
Scoop a little yellow batter into the bottom of each cupcake/mini-cupcake.
Add a small scoop of orange batter on top of the yellow.
Top off each cupcake/mini-cupcake with a dollop of white batter.
Bake as directed, frost and sprinkle and you have perfectly fabulous candy corn cupcakes!

Do you have a favorite fall treat? Will you give me your recipe?
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  1. So making these for a little pumpkin carving get together with friends this month! So fun...and my friend is obsessed with candy corn...she'll LOVE them! :)
    And who doesn't want a healthier cupcake...does that mean you get to eat more??? :)

  2. Love this! I am definitely pinning it!

  3. I've seen these done and have been wanting to try them. Love your sprinkles!

  4. @The Azams

    Megan, healthier cupcakes DEFINITELY means you can eat more! :) Though, I'll be honest, I still have very little cupcake self control when they're full cal. :)

  5. So cute and delicious looking! Love it!


  6. Where do you get the sprinkles? I LOVE cupcakes and I'm into these!!!

  7. Super, super cute!! I love how festive these are! I am going to have to try these for sure!

  8. @VivaLibby
    I love cupcakes too! :) And I think I found the sprinkles in the Target dollar bin. :)

  9. CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! These are so cute! Great idea!


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