
the ikea clock makeover challenge

My Very. Favorite. Part. of this 'blog world' is the friends I've made through kojo. 

I don't have many 'real life' friends that share my passions for sewing and party throwing and general crafting, and I've loved connecting with people (like Alicia! and y'all!) who totally understand put up with my need to text pictures of the shower decor I'm working on for this weekend (true story) or emails full of sewing questions. Having YOU fills this space in my life that would be otherwise be void (especially with Jord moving overseas in a few weeks).

Some of you are spread all over North America (and the world!)... and some of you are right here in Colorado! And I love that!

A few weeks ago, I had the chance to meet up with the Colorado contingent of bloggers I've *met* online. We chatted over Swedish meatballs and then meandered around Ikea, searching for a blank project canvas. After selecting the Tajma Clock, we all headed back to our various corners of Denver to make it our own.

And today is our big reveal!

Knowing that Piper Jane's room was needing a clock, I took my 'blank canvas' as well as a pile of paint chips we had on hand from some of her room projects...

...I cut the paint chips into little one inch squares...

...positioned them on the clock to determine placement and settled on a little sunburst pattern...

...and glued them in place.

Then I made up a "You Are My Sunshine" graphic and printed it out. Using the original clock face as my template (tracing around the edge and in the middle of my template on the backside of my graphic printout), I cut my sunshine graphic to match.

I positioned the circle in the clock, added my Newly Metallic (courtesy of some metallic paint from my Martha Stewart loot) hands back onto the clock, placed the plastic clock face protector back in place...

...and hung in Piper Jane's room! LOVELOVELOVELOVE!

Best of all, Courtney from Sweet C's Designs, Angela from Better Together, Tara from Taradara Made It, and Alison from Oopsey Daisy all made this blank canvas clock their own as well! I love these girls (love them!) and am so thankful for the chance to do this Ikea Clock Makeover with them!

Have you given any 'blank canvas' pieces your very own stamp of personalization lately? Do you love Ikea like I do?

ps- If you're in Denver/Colorado and want in on our next meet up, email me (! We are in the middle of planning a couple more get togethers and we'd love it if you'd join us!
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  1. how cool is that, that you have a denver blog group. fun! thanks for the mention, sweet thing. i love our friendship...and just think, if we didn't have blog we'd have never "met"! God is so cool sometimes! :)

  2. If only I lived in Denver :)

    Super cute redo!!

  3. I wish I had someone like that , that lived near me! The clock turned out so stinkin' cute. I LOVE it!! Maybe you could stop over and share it on my WhateverWednesday? Hope to see you there!

  4. Very cute! I love the colors! And I reeeally love Ikea! ;)

  5. uh, totally LOVE this little clock! I am kind of obsessed with paint chip projects!

  6. LOVE! You did a fabulous job! Also, I can't believe that you got that clock face to come out. I tried so hard to pull mine out, but it wouldn't budge. So, I just covered it up. Again, LOVE! Can't wait to see the rest of Piper Jane's nursery!


  7. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! Great job, Kirsten!!!!!
    xo tara

  8. Love it! I adore the pinks and that you used paint chips! Cant wait for the next get together!

  9. I'm not in Colorado but, if y'all ever come to San Antonio, we'll show you around. Great that y'all are doing that meet IKEA but, it's in Round Rock which is about 1 hr and 15 mins away :(

    ooooo we could have a training/meeting on line one evening and we can all log on via the web and if you have a web camera use that....webinars is what we use at work through Adobe connect.

  10. Ummmm you rock my world! Paint chips + clock = GENIUS!!

  11. I've been to IKEA once. The closest IKEA is in Portland which is a 4 hour trek for me. I do like the lighting fixtures and some shelving, but then I'd have to figure out how to drive home with big boxes.


We LOVE hearing from you- thanks so much for taking the time to comment!

If you are asking a question, PLEASE be sure your e-mail is either in your comment or linked to your profile so we can get back to you!