
garden goodness finale- butternut squash pasta

I know that the season for GardenGoodness is coming to an end (sniff, sniff). In fact, have y'all already had your first frost? Those temps haven't come to Denver yet... but we do have some big plans to strip the basil and tomato plants this weekend (for a marathon pesto-and-sundried-tomato-making session).

In the meantime, we are LOVING the fact that we planted butternut squash this year. Our favorite way to take advantage of the squash abundance right now? This yumminess. Seriously. So yummy. *As a sidenote- if you didn't grow butternut squash, it's on sale everywhere right now. Perfect! 

1 whole butternut squash (ours was about 2 lbs.)
1/2 onion
sprig rosemary
handful chives
garlic salt
1 lb. pasta
2 slices bacon, cooked
goat cheese to sprinkle on top

Cook pasta according to directions.

Chop butternut squash and onion into bitesize pieces.

Cut up the rosemary and chives. Set aside.

Saute the squash and onion with a little olive oil until tender (it took 15-20 minutes). Add in slivers of rosemary and chives for the last five minutes or so.

When all of the veggies are nice and sauteed, add the pasta and the bacon your saute pan and mix well. Add a little garlic salt to taste. Top with goat cheese. Mmmm. Yum. Yum. Yum. Serve with cucumber salad. Delightful.

Two things that I feel the need to tell you before the GardenGoodness series wraps up-
1- You can "sun dry" green tomatoes. They're a little more tart than their red counterparts, but still so good.
2- Also on our weekend agenda- planting our garlic! Do any of you grow garlic?

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1 comment:

  1. I just posted a recipe for Butternut Squash Soup if you are interested!


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