
you are my sunshine decor (come see us at a swell noel!)

You might've noticed this- I love the song You Are My Sunshine. Between the You Are My Sunshine clock, the youaremysunshine baby shower, the You Are My Sunshine pillow on my to-make list (see it on pinterest), you probably already guessed that I love it.

Well, before I made the Ikea clock, I made a You Are My Sunshine print for Piper Jane's nursery (I was determined to work it in somewhere). And since I didn't get to use it, I figured YOU might want to. So I made it into a free printable.

Which is now part of our Swell Noel tutorial.

Come say hi at Positively Splendid for the Sunshine-y free printable (and more giftable goodness!).
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  1. so cute! i love that song, seems like everyone relates. and that clock, so cool!

  2. I love all the graphics you create! I am looking into becoming a hobbyist graphic designer. What software/programs do you use/recommend?

  3. @Meg
    Hey Meg! I think graphic design is such a practical hobby- love it that you're getting into it, too. :) We mostly use photoshop (we both have old versions, but they work just fine). Jord found a semester's worth of online photoshop primers and taught herself, and then taught me. Google is our best friend when we get stuck.
    We also do a decent amount in Word and Powerpoint (like the Sunshine cupcake toppers). There isn't as much freedom to mess with the spacing of the fonts, but for some projects, you don't need any of that. :)
    Hope that helps!
    kirstin @ kojo


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