
how to make funnel cakes

There was so much yumminess on the menu at Elephants on Parade shower. Seriously. So. Yummy.,

And the Funnel Cakes were LEGIT. Like, get 'em at the fair in all their twisty, powdery goodness LEGIT.

Even better, they were super easy to make. If you have any circus-y, carnival-ish, fair-like events coming up, you must. make. these. Actually, they'd be a good option for a family night in (you know, if you're into fried, sugared family night snacks- haha!).

*We didn't veer at all from the original recipe here. I'm just adding pictures for this little how-to.
3 eggs
1/4 cup sugar
2 cups milk
3 2/3 cups flour
1/2 t salt
2 t baking powder
vegetable oil, for frying


1. Blend the eggs and sugar and then slowly mix in milk. Add in all the dry ingredients.

2. Pour batter into a funnel over a fryer (or a skillet/dutch oven with hot oil in it). Move the funnel around to make designs (you could also use a large spoon and drip it into the batter). *Your oil should be 350-380 degrees.

3. Leave the batter in the oil until you start seeing the top bubble (sort of like a pancake). This takes about two minutes. When it bubbles, take a spatula and flip the whole thing upside down to cook the other side. Let it cook for two more minutes-ish and you're done!

4. Remove from the oil onto a plate stacked with paper towels. Sprinkle with a generous serving of powdered sugar (or honey or cinnamon- whatever your little heart desires) and serve. YUM, YUM, YUM, YUM, YUM.

Seriously. Yum.

Have you ever made your own funnel cakes? 
What's your favorite fair food?
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  1. Yum! I totally want to try these.

  2. I'm definitely saving this, thank you!!

  3. I am going to make these when I get home tonight. I love funnel cakes! They are just about one of the greatest treats ever.

  4. Uh oh! I have all of the ingredients! :) I LOVE funnel cakes and these look so supper yummy.


  5. Funnel cakes/elephant ears are my families ALL time FAVORITE carnival/fair food! My cousin made these from a mix for our moms a few years ago as a birthday present but I've been dying for a "real" recipe! Thank you oh so very much!! I am going to make these this weekend as either a celebration or a sympathy party! (Football championship game and marching band regionals this weekend! both intense as it determines district champions and who all goes on to semi-state for band)

    THANK YOU, Thank You, thank you!!!

  6. Yeah, you should not be posting this because now I WANT to make my own funnel cakes. :)

  7. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! can't wait to have some fun with this recipe. My grand daughter was introduced to funnel cakes this weekend. how fun will this be.
    you have such great ideas and your photos are fantastic.

  8. Funnel cakes are BY FAR my fave fair food!!! I ADORE!!! I especially love them with apple pie filling on top... Oh yum!! I now must make these immediately. I am going into my third trimester with my third baby and am hungry ALL THE TIME!!! Especially for fried food!

  9. flip me to denver that looks amazingly delicious! thanks for the recipe, im making some today! x

  10. OMGoodness!!! I had no idea these were so easy to do!! Thank you! :)

  11. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [20 Oct 09:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  12. I just tried this recipe with my mom (she just turned 88 on Thanksgiving Day!)and the funnel cakes came out perfect. So tasty, crunchy and yummy! This recipe is a keeper. Please try it. You won't be disappointed!

  13. I just tried this recipe with my mom (she just turned 88 on Thanksgiving Day!) and it came out perfect. It was tasty, crunchy and yummy! This recipe is a keeper. Please try it. You won't be disappointed.


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