
best of 2011 friday fun finds

I might've mentioned once or twice that I love New Year's... and I love lists! So the "Best of 2011" lists that are floating around right now are right up my alley!

For today's Friday Fun Finds, we're going to make our own "Best of 2011" list- fun find style. Just link up your favorite project (or two) from the last year and enjoy perusing the 2011 goodness.

Happy New Year's Eve Eve, friends! :)

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  1. This is a wonderful idea! I linked up my DIY SPinnig Composter project that was popular-especially on Pinterest. Hope you enjoy!

  2. I've linked 2 posts...but I don't see either come up. Did I do something wrong?

  3. I don't see my link or my comment/ Do you know why? Is there a delay?

  4. Hi ladies! Thanks for hosting our links and of course, for always sharing so much amazing inspiration. The first time I linked my "classic jumper tutorial," the image didn't show up, so I tried again. I'm sorry for the repeat, but I don't know how to delete! Happy New Year!


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