
most likely to succeed and other 2011 blog superlatives

I was on yearbook staff in junior high- have I ever mentioned that? Yep, sure was. And it was in the pre-digital-camera-era, so there was some serious storage for negatives in our yearbook room (are y'all too young for that? Do you know what negatives are?).

Anyhow, my favorite pages in any yearbook are the superlatives. Most Likely to Succeed? Class Clown? That is important info!

So this year, we've decided to add this fabulous yearbook tradition onto the kojo blog as a farewell to 2011!
Here are this year's kojo superlative awards, determined by some complicated polling backwards scrolling-

Best Party- The Sips Launch Party. I know that's probably a surprise choice (so many great parties in 2011!), but Trish and I had a blast putting everything together and the whole night was just fantastic.

Biggest Party Flop- The Around the World Party (40 mph winds killed us on that one! We couldn't even hang up 75% of our decor- EPIC flop!).

Hardest Worker- The Glam Tea Wreath... I use this little gem (especially since I gave my original tea wreath away).

Best Looking- Between all of the dresses I made for Piper Jane this year, and how adorable baby girls are in dresses, this was hard to narrow. Perhaps the winter wonderland dress? Layers of fluffy prettiness- that probably qualifies for Best Looking, right?

Best Dressed- Piper Jane in her sweet dresses (and pantaloons) and especially when she's wearing The Felted Wool Boots

Yummiest- The Flavored Salted Caramels that Trish whipped up for Gifts for Guys are so.darn.delicious. We can't keep them in the house, or I'll eat them all (seriously!).

Most Huggable- It's a tie between the very fluffy porcupine and the black apple dolls I made for the girls.

Most Likely to Brighten Your Day- The Blue Gap Knock Off Dress. Also, the pictures of my sweet sis modeling said knock off dress and her adoring nephew as he tagged along during our photo shoot.

Most Likely to Be On a Magazine Cover- The Anthro Inspired Knotted Quilt (technically a product of 2010, but still receiving rave reviews in 2011).

Best (and Worst) News of the Year- Jordan (and her family's) move to the Middleeast. Such great news because they are pursuing their dream. A little sad for her big sis who misses her like crazy!

Most Likely to Succeed- It's a tie- Jord and Drew as they pursue their dream in the Middleeast and my hottie, Boards Part 2 passing husband as he heads into his last semester of dental school.

Best Part of this Year- The people, hands down! Having a chance to work with so many great bloggers on series' like The Sincerest Form of Flattery, Color My Summer, Pretty Parties, and Gifts for Guys was a huge highlight of the year. And I met so many of you lovelies (over email at least) in 2011- lucky me! Definitely the best part of 2011!

And with that, we bid farewell to 2011! 
2012, bring it on... we can't wait!

ps- I have some ohmygoodness exciting 2012 news for you... watch for that in the next couple days!
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  1. hope you're having fun today, sweet friend. and thanks for being such a big inspiration for me this year. and a great friend too :)

    ps: i was on the yearbook squad too. :)

  2. I did yearbook one year in junior high to :) I loved your little porcupine, and the porcupine named Fluffy!

  3. Such a fun take on an end of the year post. I love how you put this all together. That sweet Piper Jane is such a brilliant model! Happy new year!

  4. It looks like it's been a fantastic year for you!

    Happy New Year!!
    Best blogging wishes for 2012!!

  5. First of all, HAAAPPPPPYYY NEW YEAR!What a great post, taking us back for a recap. Okay but, really you teased us with exciting news cliff hanger!! Love it, thanks for being an inspiration to us all!!



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