
a kitchen for burke?

Seriously, could this play kitchen (made from a side table!) by vintage songbird be any more fabulous?

A couple others that people have made from side tables, Ikea furniture, etc:
Beth at Ohdeedoh made this play kitchen from Ikea furniture.
Lisa's play kitchen (also at Ohdeedoh).

Burke's birthday is still a couple months away... maybe I could get this together for him by then?  He'd LOVE it!


  1. I have seen so many kitchens made from every possible thing...but these are by far my favorite. I LOVE that they are smaller instead of the big bulky entertainment I am on the look out for a side table to make into a kitchen. Thanks for sharing all these.

  2. You can do it! I made one for my daughter for Christmas. It was fun

  3. These are adorable! I want to play with it haha!

  4. go for it. Mine was fun to make and really didn't take that much time. It's the accessorizing the kitchen that's taken me forever (or maybe I've lost the motivation?)

  5. I always love these homemade kitchen playsets! I'd love to try and make one - one day :) THanks for stopping by my blog, I'll look for the link up on Friday!


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