
friday fun finds

The highlight of my week?  Finding a little time to sew...A teeny ruffled truffle and baby leggies to be exact.  Oh, normal life, I miss you!  Soon, right guys?  Any moms-of-two out there with good news regarding when exactly our life was a family of four will feel a bit more normal (if you have bad news for me, maybe don't break it to me quite yet... I did, indeed, have a baby a month ago and am still a bit more fragile than usual- haha!)???

A few fun finds from our linky party last week:
Photo tips at Red Ted... if you don't have a DSLR camera, head on over and read these tips!
Our mom loves to run- this little display at back and white, side by side would be a great gift for her birthday (which is tomorrow, incidentally...)
Love the repurposed hats at Holy Craft.
I love the idea of a sew along!  Check out the Little Cap Sew Along at the Train to Crazy... One day, right? 

Here's your featured button, crafty gurus:


We can't wait to see your latest and greatest craftiness- something you made, a tutorial you put together (or tried out!), a product the rest of us need, a scrumptious recipe- whatever you're loving this week!

A few guidelines:
1. Include a short description of what you're linking to (as well as the name of your blog if you want).  That way people can go see the fun finds that interest them most.
2. Link to your specific post, and not to the main page of your blog.
3. Here's the party button if you want to link back to this party from your blog.



  1. thanks for featuring the RUN letters! i gave a set to my mom too :) she's my motivation to keep moving!

  2. I love the new banner!! Looks great!

  3. Thanks for the feature! Your ruffled bum and leg warmers are so cute!
    Andreas @

  4. What a cute ruffled bum. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend.

  5. Those leg warmers and ruffled onesie are beyond cute! Oh my word. Adorable.

  6. Love the ruffle bum!

    Things will feel normal soon! It just takes time to learn how to juggle it all.

  7. Girlfriend, I have four kids. My step son is 11, my son is 10, and I have 21 month old identical twin girls. Everyone kept telling me what a nightmare it was going to be, and hard it was going to be....and honestly? It really truly does get very normal feeling and into a nice routine soon. I promise. I took us about two months, and as you know things always get easier once the new hatchling starts sleeping through the night. Hang in there! Love looking at all you gorgeous things!

  8. Thanks for hosting and taking the time to feature projects each week!! Aaaaaand... looking forward to seeing your projects on SYTYC!!

  9. Don't worry! Your baby will start to take regular naps and you will be able to craft again! I'm a mom of 2 and it just took us a month or two. You can do it!
    P.S.- I love your blog and all the cute stuff you have on it!

  10. are you kidding me with that ruffle bum? love it.

    you will emerge. but seriously it could be awhile. a good (wise) friend once told me to not expect life to feel "normal" in that first year. too many changes in a short period of time. but once you start sleeping more, everything is better. :)

  11. I love your blog! If you get a second, stop by my blog on Monday for a little surprise for you :)


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