
tried and true or new?

The 'dreaming up' stage of the creative process is my favorite part.  I love nothing more than standing in front of my fabric shelves, looking at the yards and yards of gloriousness I've collected, browsing through Goodwill-bound clothing I've acquired and fabulous XXL shirts and sweaters I've bought on the cheap, thinking of what the piles of raw material Could Be.

Alas, right now I feel like my moments to craft are limited to brief snippets in between feeding and maintaining and filling etsy orders, and well, surviving.  Curving out a chunk of time to sift through my fabrics and dream, and then actually create something based on those plans, seems a little unattainable right now.

Which brings me to my question of the hour- For this season, do I stick to tried and true (or, at the very least, my To Make List) creations for Little Miss Piper?  Or do I continue to prioritize the creative process?

I have a feeling that the answer is somewhere in between- perhaps sewing with a type of fabric I've never tried before, or having a couple of projects going concurrently... Or maybe the solution is "wait."  I feel like there are many aspects of life that are put on hold with the addition of newborn baby, just for a season, that come back later in full force.  So perhaps I just wait until then?

What do you think, y'all?

And in the meantime, just to inspire you a bit, my To Make List of itsy bitsy girly fabulousness:
This biased skirt at no big dill... isn't it beautiful?  I feel like I might need one in my size as well!
The Warhol dress at Made... I especially love that it's made out of a tshirt- soft and snuggly and perfect for a newborn baby!
A J Crew-y ruffle dress... again with the snuggle-y factor. Piper Jane needs one of her very own!
The Itty Bitty Dress at Made by Rae... fabulous!
Fisherboy shorts at no big dill
Pleated dress at make it and love it
Pillowcase dress with Simply Modern Mom on V and Co  
Gathered jumper at Ikat Bag


  1. Maybe if you made something off of your list you could reward your self with some time spent dreaming up a new creative project. I rather like finding new twists on old favorites.

  2. omg! Sayla grace is so little in this pic! where does time go?!

  3. The solution is probably somewhere in between...when there's time. A new baby is a whole world adjustment. You are so good at making new things and having fun ideas that the "in full force" will come soon enough. Take the time you need! You're awesome.


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