
guests- stephanie from somewhat simple

 We love the DIY projects, fabulous decor ideas and recipes at the blog Somewhat Simple and are thrilled to have Stephanie at kojodesigns as a guest today with a simply fantastic baby shower gift idea!  Here she is:

I am just your average stay at home mom who loves to create in any spare time I find! I am married to my best friend and together we are raising 3 sweet kids. They keep us busy but make life fun! We are Orange County transplants who have been living in Phoenix for the past 5 years and we love it here!

After having 4 girls, my sweet friend is making the final preparations to welcome her first little boy into their family and I couldn't be more excited for her! For her shower last weekend, I gave her a cute gift (at least I thought it was cute anyway!) Here is what I did:
I bought some cute boy onesies, rolled them up and layed them in a baseball glove... because every little boy needs a baseball glove, right? 
 I put the glove inside a plastic container (from the dollar store) and filled it with other baby items- a baseball, a couple receiving blankets, some baby wash etc. Then I tied it up with a bow and voila! Easy and cute! 


  1. Thanks for the feature! I put this link on the top of my blog. Have a great week!

  2. I sure love Steph. She and I grew up together and she really is super fabulous in real life too. :)

  3. Oh man! Wish I had had this sooner! My SIL just had a Texas Rangers themed baby shower!! Maybe I'll do that with the quilt I'm making my nephew when I deliver it! Good thought!!

  4. I'm glad Stephanie came to visit, now I have another blog to follow. This idea is so cute, my nephew is 3 months old and we have already had a baby shower, but I am going to have to put something together for him anyway!!!


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