
other people's genius... the piper jane edition

Want to see some of the lovely handmade goodness in Miss Piper Jane's life (made by other people, not by me)?
Knit booties from my friend Kimiko... love the fushia, love the blue buttons, cannot wait until these fit!
Fabulous customized Piper name sign; Burke has one too.  I can't get enough of the personalized room decor, y'all, and these are the perfect size for setting on a shelf.  Plus, you choose the palette, so you can match your room exactly.  You can get one of these gems too, over at the Echo Name Art etsy shoppe!
Newborn goodness (skirts, bib, onesie and darling hair bows!) all from our friend Tasha at Creation Corner. I was going to ask her to put together a guest tutorial for the fantastic shirred skirt, but she's way faster at putting tutorials together than we are and already has one up on her blog! :) And, just so you know, the little vintage flower headbands are my favorite headbands that we have so far- pretty, totally girly, not over the top- perfect!  You can get your own here.

Isn't it all so lovely?


  1. I still just love seeing her in those outfits :) Thanks for the link up. I love love love the other things you have gotten too. Darling.

  2. What a beautiful baby in beautiful outfit!

  3. Hi; I thought those booties were knitted butin any ways it is a cute gift for a cute baby!


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