

We made it!  So You Think You're Crafty, here we come... Our audition project was the pinwheel pillow- did you guess?


  1. Woo-Hoo! I knew you girls would make it! I totally guessed the wrong thing though! I was sure that the school messenger bag was ya'lls. It reminded me of your diaper bag you had just made. The pillows are fantastic though, one of my favs! Can't wait to see what you girls make next!

  2. yay! tried not to guess (and it was kinda hard to anyway) but i did vote for the pillow b/c it was super fab. great job!

  3. Congrats! I knew the pillows were yours ;) So that's where I cast my vote! Best wishes in the contest!

  4. my vote went to the pillows too! i love your blog, so it's only right that i'd pick yours without knowing!

  5. WAHOOO!!!! I am so excited :) (Seriously)

  6. Congrads! I knew you would. Great project!


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