
guest tutorial by kalleen from at second street

Do y'all read At Second Street? Kalleen is one of our SYTYC mentors... if you haven't seen all of her projects from Season 2, go spend some time perusing. Her stuff was amazing! And her blog is more of the same amazingness... she sews, she throws fabulous parties, she decorates, she makes BEAUTIFUL cakes. Even better, we love her down-to-earth perspective. Every time we read her blog, we just know that we'd be BFF's if we lived in the same city. We're thrilled to have her guesting here at kojo today! Here's Kalleen:

I'm so excited to finally be guesting over here.  I've been a fan of kojo designs for awhile. I can't wait to see how they do in this season of So You Think You're Crafty. They hit it out of the park the first week with their weekender bag. 
My Name is Kalleen from At Second Street. I'm a mother of four who loves to create and design things for my home and family. At Second Street is where I share lots of fun tutorials and ideas that are not only easy but inexpensive.
Today I wanted to share this easy $2 scarf skirt. 
I started with two knit scarfs found at the dollar store.  I'm a sucker for houndstooth. 

I folded each scarf into fourths and cut them.  They don't have to be measured perfectly . We'll cut the ends off later. 
Next I took my pile and sewed the strips right sides together, making one long strip of fabric. Try to start sewing your strips from the same side each time. That way you'll have one side that is straight.
Then I laid my new strip out.
I measured down the length I wanted to make my skirt and cut a new strip. I made this one for my 18 month old daughter.  I cut a to be a 12" strip.  I will be adding a waist band as well, which will give it a little more length. 
*If you want to make this super simple you skip the waist band.  All you would then need to do is sew the strip's end together. Fold over the top, sew a casing, add elastic, and hem the bottom. If you go this route you'll wan to add a couple more inches to your cut for the casing.
I'm picky and like to have a flat front on my skirts.  To make the waistband, cut out three more strips of fabric using the scraps.  The length will depend on your child's waist measurement.  My daughters waist is 18 inches. I wanted the front panel to be 9" and the back to be 9".  For the front I cut two 10" x 2-1/2" strips(the extra inch is for seams). For the back I cut one 12" x 2-1/2" strip that will be attached to a 9" strip of elastic. 
I started with the two front strips, sewing them right sides together across the top. 
Then I sewed the elastic, right sides together, to the top of the back strip. Pull the elastic as you sew, so it will stretch the whole length of the strip. You''l need to use both hands to pull it through.
Now I sewed the front strips to the back strip, right sides together, on each side. 
It will look like this when your done. 
Next I folded the tube in half and topstitched around the top. 
It should now look like this, ready to add the skirt. 
Sew the two ends of the skirt together and hem it. Then gather the top. A gather can be made by sewing a straight stitch across the top of the skirt, with your machine set to it's longest stitch. Don't knot at the beginning or end. Then pull the bottom (bobbin) thread and it will start to gather. Gather until it's the same size as your waist band. 
All that is left to do is pin the skirt to the waist band, right sides together and sew around the top. Since it's knit, you don't need to finish off your edges. 
Now it's ready to wear. 
There was enough of the scarf to make this for up to a three year old.  
Thanks for letting me visit and I hope you'll come by my place to see what else I've been making. 


  1. I love Kalleen. Very cute skirt and great tutorial! :)

  2. Great guest post! :) Love that skirt!!

  3. That is the cutest skirt, thanks for the tutorial! I only wish I had a little girl to make it for :(

  4. This is so cute! And from scarves!! Brilliant!

    I linked to your tutorial over at Craft Gossip Sewing:


  5. ADORABLE!!! And I bought the same scarves, knowing I would find something to do with them. Fabulous idea!! :)


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