
kojotutorial: book cupcake (or muffin) toppers

I love cupcake toppers- scalloped circles with a monogram in the middle or flags that read, "Happy Birthday," or little signs that tie in your theme. For the storybook shower, we made cupcake toppers (well, technically, muffin toppers, but that sounds funny) that were little mini storybooks.

To make a batch yourself, you'll need:
-hot glue gun and glue
-rectangles of scrap cardstock, around 2"x4"
-printed book 'covers' (I used 2"x4" mailing labels)
1. First make your 'book covers.' Find a picture of your book cover online and copy and paste it onto the right half of your mailing label template. Repeat until you have a whole sheet of 'covers.' Print these out.
2. Stack three rectangular pieces of cardstock (a little bigger than the 2"x4" mailing label) together. Fold the whole stack in half, making a little mini book. Wrap a leftover strip of sticker from the sheet of mailing labels around all three layers of cardstock on the back of the 'book' (this adheres the layers together).
3. Wrap a cover around the outside of the front of the stack. Stick your toothpick under the adhesive on the back.
4. Use these mini-books to make your delicious blueberry muffins a little yummier! :)


  1. I could hardly get past those delicious looking muffins, but eventually I did notice the cute toppers. So cute!

  2. How creative you are my friends!

  3. I taught second grade for years, and wish I'd thought to make these for our Muffin Party!


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