
guest tutorial by leisel from brown paper packages

Y'all are going to love today's guest... we've been following leisel and her fabulous creations over at brown paper packages since long before we knew Piper Jane was a girl. Her little dresses are too much, y'all! Darling and classy and feminine with a touch of sass thrown in for kicks!

So, of course, we couldn't resist asking her to put something girly and fabulous together for us. And she did not disappoint! Check out this darling skirt (and head on over to Brown Paper Packages and say hi!).

Wahooooooo!  I am so excited to be a guest at KoJoDesigns!  I feel like I have made it in the big wide blogging world!

To celebrate the arrival of Piper Jane, I thought something girlie would be most appropriate.  So here it is, the Jack and Jill Skirt.  A simple skirt with a chiffon ruffle and a knit waistband. 

Want to make one for your little princess or even one for yourself? 
Well, here is the how-to.

Supplies Needed (for a size 5/6):

1/2 yard of fabric for the underskirt
1 yard of fabric for the overskirt
1/4 yard of coordinating chiffon
10 inches of knit with lycra
elastic thread
basic sewing supplies


Using a rotary cutter, cut your lining fabric, main skirt fabric, and knit fabric to the measurements specified below.  Also cut three 2.5 inch strips of chiffon.
For size 5/6:
Overskirt:  cut 2 pieces that measure 30 inches wide by 14 inches tall
Underskirt:  cut 2 pieces that measure 21 inches wide by 13 inches tall
Knit: cut 2 pieces that measure 10 inches wide by 10 inches tall
For size 2/3:
Overskirt:  cut 2 pieces that measure 30 inches wide by 8 inches tall
Underskirt:  cut 2 pieces that measure 21 inches wide by 7 inches tall
Knit:  cut 2 pieces that measure 9 inches wide by 9 inches tall
(For other girls sizes, just lengthen or shorten the over and underskirt pieces and adjust the knit waistband as needed.)


First we are going to ruffle the chiffon.  The easiest way to make an even ruffle with chiffon is by using elastic thread to shir it.  Hand wind your bobbin with the elastic thread, stretching it slightly as you go. 

Use regular thread for the machine.  Sew along the top of the chiffon.  As you sew, the fabric should start ruffling, looking like this:

As you finish one strip of chiffon, layer another slightly over the edge and continue ruffling the second.  Ruffle all of your chiffon strips this way.  Set your ruffle aside.
With right sides together, sew the two shorts ends of your underskirt pieces together.  Then attach the ruffle to the bottom edge with right sides together.
Turn the ruffle down and topstitch around the bottom edge of the underskirt.
Sew the two overskirt pieces together on the short sides with right sides together.  Use a 1/4 inch rolled hem to finish the bottom edge of the overskirt.
Using a long basting stitch, gather the top edge of the overskirt and underskirt.  Match the underskirt and overskirt and baste the top edges together.  The right side of the underskirt should be against the wrong side of the overskirt.  Remove your gathering basting threads.
If you have a serger, serge the top edge of the basted skirts. 
To make the waistband, take your knit pieces and with right sides together, sew the two opposite sides to create a tube.
Fold the tube down with wrong sides together so that your raw edges match up.
Using a narrow stitch, baste the raw edges together.
Pin the waistband to the basted skirt, with right sides together.
Use a zigzag stitch to attach the skirt and waistband together.  Stretch the knit as you sew around to match up the sideseams.  Serge or zigzag to finish your seam.
Turn the waistband right side up, and there you have it!
A pretty little fall skirt that you will want to have several different colors!


  1. Thanks, guys for letting visit! You are the best! And good luck with SYTYCQ. . . I'm routing for you!

  2. adorable!!! i love that little bit of tulle at the hem! thanks for sharing!

  3. Beautiful skirt! I love it. Thanks for detailed tute.

  4. This is adorable! I love the ruffle at the bottom.

  5. What a gorgeous skirt!! I linked to your tutorial over at Craft Gossip Sewing:


  6. I am featuring this cute skirt at

  7. I just saw this...absolutely adorable. I think I need to make them for our family pictures. I've never used chiffon. but I have used tulle... but the tulle would just be scratchy & stiff, right? But, I hear chiffon frays? How do you keep it from not fraying? what are your opinions?
    thanks so much!
    alisonnay at gmail dot com


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