
kojotutorial: newborn pettiskirt

I seriously love the look of pettiskirts- fluffy and froofy and twirly. Piper Jane definitely needed one as a wardrobe staple- doesn't every little girl? And, really, it's the perfect addition to this year's cowgirl Halloween costume.

Before you start on this endeavor, I should tell you- the steps are simple, but the process takes quite the chunk of time. I would contend that it's worth it (did you see the pics?), but you should know that going in.

That being said, to finish off your sweet lil' cowgirl costume (or even just to make a little teeny pettiskirt for fun), you'll need:

5" by 6 yards nylon chiffon
3" by 1.5 yards nylon chiffon
3" by 26" nylon chiffon
2" by 12 yards nylon chiffon
7" by 26" satin
yard ribbon
sew machine and supplies
*Tip: get your chiffon already cut in 2" wide and 5" wide pieces here.  Or you could order 6 yards here like I did and cut it yourself... but I'd recommend the former.

Cut pieces.
Ruffle 2" strip so that it is 6 yards long.  You can use a ruffle foot, or the basting-stitch-and-gather method... or here is another way to ruffle away.
Pin and sew the 2" ruffle to the 5" piece.
Sew a basting stitch along the top edge of the 5" piece, gathering as you go. Attach to the 3" by 1.5 yards piece. Repeat by sewing a basting stitch along the top edge of the 3" piece, gathering as you go. Attach to the 3" by 26" piece.
Finish off the bottom and side edges of the satin piece.  Iron top edge down once, or serge edge.  Sew the 3" by 26" piece of chiffon to the satin.  Iron top down to make casing. Thread ribbon through casing.
Pair with cowgirl accessories for Halloween, or keep for another special occasion. Fluffy and lovely!


  1. Piper Jane is one of the cutest baby names I have ever heard! She is so beautiful. Such a sweet pleasant looking baby. That pettiskirt is absolutely adorable, and the neck kerchief is the icing on the cake. What a blessed little one to have a mommy who will spend so much time and love making her beautiful things. I love your blog. I have a cute bonnet for newborns on my blog,, that can be worn as a bonnet or it can be turned into a bib. I would love to send Piper Jane one if you would like to contact me with a way I could get it to her. My email is

  2. You are talented!...and you have one ADORABLE model. :)

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  4. I was looking all over for the sizing on a newborn pettiskirt today after seeing the tutorial for girls' pettiskirts on Make It and Love It. SOOOO happy that your tutorial was featured on oneprettything. Thanks for taking the guesswork out of things for me!

  5. I was looking all over for the sizing on a newborn pettiskirt today after seeing the tutorial for girls' pettiskirts on Make It and Love It. SOOOO happy that your tutorial was featured on oneprettything. Thanks for taking the guesswork out of things for me!


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