
GFG guest tutorial- gadget charging pouch

Today we're welcoming Tone from Bless, by Tone as our guest. 

She has darling twin girls (who are often her adorable models!) and great ideas (love this bird pillow and this jewelry tree). Also, I need to make these photo props (my kids are the worst at not looking at the camera... and they'd love these). And today she's here to share a Gifts for Guys tutorial- a charging gadget holder!

Let me first say that I'm over the moon excited about being here at KoJo Designs for their Gifts for Guys series! They have the most beautiful blog and so many interesting and fun things to read.

I am Tone, from Bless, I run a creative blog and for the full month of November I'm doing a tutorial each and every day. I'll be very happy to see you over at my blog.

Today I want to show you what I am going to give to guys in my life for Christmas - and I will show you a way you can make it for your kids as well.
 People say that the only difference between a man and a boy is the price of their toys - with that taken into consideration, this is something for their gadgets. We all have cell phones, iPads, nintendos, cameras and so on - and most of them need to charged. This is the perfect little pouch for charging your guys' gadgets.
 You need to diferent types of fabric - and scraps are fine. Because most phones have touch screens, I've chosen to use fleece of velvet lining and a sturdier fabric outside.
 The above picture is for two cases. The jeans one is for my brother's phone, I checked online to find the measurements, keeping the phone vertical. I added one inch both ways. The back piece has to be higher than the front piece - about two inches higher. This is for the plug. I cut my pieces with the bottom part folded, that way I only need to sew one side seam.
 1. Sew side seams of both outer and inner fabric.
2. Turn the lining the right way, put it inside the main part.
 3. Sew around the top edges as shown above.
 4. At the bottom, pull the main fabric up and sew the edges of the lining.
 5. Fold the edges of the main fabric in a little at the bottom, sew across.
6. Top stitch the edges on top of the case.
 7. Then in the middle of the top on the back, sew a square with buttonhole stitching.
8. Use your seam ripper to cut out the fabric in the middle of the square.
And if you please, you may make a decoration in the front, but knowing my brother, I made it as simple as possible...
 This is very useful, no cords to trip on, and the phone is safe.
 And the best part? This is so adjustable, I even made one for the girls' Nintendo's - and I am so happy I did - their Nintendo is always laying on the floor, being charged and it's so easy to step on it - well, not anymore!
Well, that's it for me - thank you so much for having me!

Be sure to stop by at Bless, by Tone and say hi!
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