
GFG guest tutorials- chapstick and foot scrub stocking stuffers by Oopsey Daisy

Ohmygoodness do I adore today's Gifts for Guys guest, Alison from Oopsey Daisy. 

She is so creative (isn't her Joy display great- LOVE that rosette covered "J"), quite the party planner (I seriously lo-ove their Twinkie Party tradition), has fantastic gift ideas (totally making these coasters), and is so thoughtful in the way she spends her days as a mama (Burke I LOVE her Mommyschool curriculums). She is also sweet, genuine, encouraging, and a blast to hang out with (yep, she is one of my 'real life' friends, too... lucky me, right?).

AND she totally outdid herself with these Gifts for Guys stocking stuffers!

Hello kojo fans!
My name is Alison, and my little blogging home is called Oopsey Daisy.
I am thrilled to be here today.
I feel like a rockstar, joining forces with the amazing kojo gals! I find so much inspiration on this blog... I find myself pinning like crazy 'round here!
I feel extra special to actually know Kirstin in real life. I adore her!!
And my Little Man adores her Little Man too! :)
We were given the VIP tour of the Denver Zoo, courtesy of Kirstin and Burke a few months back.
I love having another blogger in Colorado!

I la-la-la-LOVE this Gifts for Guys series! Guys are totally neglected in the crafting world, don't you think?
Don't tell my husband I said so, but I think that every guy secretly wants to be pampered.

I have a theory that if my husband could go to a spa completely anonymously, he would do it! Let's face it, he travels for work all week long, so he probably deserves it! But this gift brings the spa straight to his stocking!
This year, I whipped up a couple of {simple} stocking stuffers to help pamper my man! I created some homemade lip balm, body scrub, and foot scrub to stuff in his stocking. He may pretend to be underwhelmed, but I happen to know that he will secretly indulge in these little goodies!
My hubby will literally turn around and drive back home if he is missing his chapstick!
So I knew he would appreciate my homemade lip balm.
This is SO easy! To make your own lip balm...
1. Gather your supplies. You will need beeswax, organic shea butter, safflower oil, and your favorite organic oils.
2. I grated 1/4 c. beeswax to start. I combined it with 3 T. organic shea butter and 2 T. safflower oil in a plastic bowl.
3. Then I started microwaving this until the beeswax melted completely, and the liquid was completely clear. Then I added 2 tsp. of peppermint essential oil and just a touch of food coloring. (I wanted this to be peppermint-like!)
4. As quickly as possible, I poured the liquid into the chapstick containers I found at my organic grocery store. I refrigerated this to be sure it hardened up, and it turned out beautifully.
Who knew it was this easy to make lip balm?! I will be making more very soon!
I love Google. I simply googled "brown sugar body scrub" and selected my favorite recipe! Again, this was so simple to make with just a few simple ingredients!
I used a recipe for peppermint foot scrub that I found at The Idea Room. Perfect for Christmas!
I found these containers at the Vitamin Cottage too, although you could easily use a jar or another cute container!

I had lots of fun embellishing these containers (also found at the Vitamin Cottage!) with a little Mod Podge, scrapbook paper, and ribbon! Nothing too cutsie for the Mister.
I can hardly wait to stuff stockings! My husband is going to be so impressed!
I will be making more of everything to give away as gifts for friends, too.
Are you curious about the recipient of this gift??
Look out ladies, he's mine! :)
Mr. Oopsey Daisy is an excellent father and a sweet husband. We are so blessed to have him in our lives!! His #1 wish on his own wishlist is his very own massaging chair. (See, I told you that he needs pampering!) Don't worry, he won't be getting one any time soon. Until he has his own man-cave, I think Santa will forget to drop that down the chimney! Sorry babe! :)

Thanks, Kirstin, for hosting me today.
Good luck with those gifts for guys! I will be checking in to gather more masculine gift ideas!
You are all welcome to stop by Oopsey Daisy any time!
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  1. Thanks for having me today, Kirstin!! You are just the best!!

  2. What an awesome man gift idea!! I love it. And the packaging is so cool too!


  3. I'm thinking I could make these for my hubbie, but then actually use them for myself. ;)

  4. I love the peppermint foot scrub and my "man" loves all things peppermint. Thank you so much for this tutorial!

  5. What a fun idea Alison! I think it would be nice thing to do *together* too. :)


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