
kojotutorial: floating yarn sign

Hi friends!  I mentioned that I have been toying with the idea of a new series called "life without hobby lobby." I am in culture shock at the lack of the DIY mentality and trying to find creative ways to use materials I can find without the ease and convenience of a craft store or hardware store. However, as I gear up to share ideas with you, I realized that I have a whole slew of "life without" moments that encompass more than crafting. So, sometimes I will share crafty goodness, but other times I will be sharing recipes for things I miss as well. Even if you can jump in the car and grab chick-fila sauce, it is still fun to know how to you can make things on your own!

Anyway- onto the sign.  I love this floating sign because it is inexpensive, takes only a few very simple materials and it can be customized for any party imaginable. I used some recycled foam board from some packaging, but you can use any sturdy paper material. I also used yarn, but you could use any type of ribbon or even fabric cut into strips.

The steps are quite simple. Find a font you like and copy the font onto your cardboard. Cut out the individual letters. Wrap each letter in yarn until none of the cardboard is showing. You can be precise  and make sure every strip lines up, or you can just wrap until everything is covered.  Both ways look great. 
Hang the letters above your serving table for a wonderfully inexpensive and pretty simple piece of decor!

Thanks for  letting me share.  Anyone have fabulous plans for New Years? We are so excited to have some friends visiting from home and will celebrate at a small party with friends.  If I were going to go all-out for a party though, a "2012"  floating sign with glittery ribbon would be a wonderful addition. Just sayin. 


  1. I too live life without Hobby Lobby - so I am all over that kind of series. We are missionaries in Ecuador. Actually, in many ways it is more fun making something beautiful out of "nothing" - it gives a great sense of accomplishment!


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