
oooooh sparkle shoes

Are you crawling out from your Christmas coma yet? We have been {slowly} coming back to normal life- putting away presents, packing away the massive wrapping station that had set up shop in our basement, eating egg whites and leafy greens to balance the carb-overload of the last week... We've even been prepping for New Year's a little!

In my book, New Year's might possibly tie with Thanksgiving for the second greatest holiday (after Christmas, of course). I love it. It's glittery, and full of traditions, and the beginning of a fresh start and an empty planner. Sparkly fresh starts? Yes please!

And this year, we are spending New Year's Eve watching some dear friends tie the knot (we're headed to Dallas as you read this, actually). The wedding is a sans kiddos, black tie affair. I can't wait.

In honor of Grace and Todd's nuptials on this most sparkly of holidays (and bearing serious resemblance to these J Crew Mona Glitter Pumps that I just adore), I made myself some fabulously glittery shoes. 

In the case that you have Big Plans for New Year's Eve (even if those plans consist of making Japanese food and playing games as was our family's custom growing up), I thought I'd share a little how to for the glitter shoes (I found this idea on this wedding site and added my own little glitter paint twist- be sure to check out the original- it's really great).

You'll need-
-a pair of heels or two (mine were black and gray patent leather)
-Mod Podge
-fine (or extra-fine) glitter
-glitter paint (optional)
-paint brush

Mix the glitter and Mod Podge. Add in a little glitter paint if you're feeling wild. Using a paint brush, apply a thin coat of the glitter mixture to your shoes. Let dry completely. Repeat until shoes are completely covered. Make another pair if you please.

And you're done! Sparkly, glittery, New Year's Eve-y goodness!

ps- I can't wait to show you what I'm wearing with these little gems...
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  1. ps: i can't wait to SEE what you're wearing with these super adorable glittery shoes! have fun, sweet friend!

  2. Oh I love these. So perfect for New Years! If only I had a party to go to, to wear them to! :) Have a lovely time with just you and your husband! I think our little girl will need some sparkly shoes...yes? Maybe I'll make her a pair.

  3. Only you, Kirstin, only you. Amazing!!! (and pretty gutsy)

  4. Gorgeous! LOVE the shoes! Have fun at the wedding!


  5. Gorgeous shoes... Happy new year!!

    Can I do the same on a pair of fabric heels I own??

  6. Hey Kirstin,

    I tried it, and I LOVE the results... Check it out..

  7. I have 2 pairs of glittery heels (one pair gold and one black) and I wear them all the time. I couldn't save them for just special occasions! I now have Sparkly Shoe Days. Like if I am having a particularly bad week or just need a little pick me up... Sparkly Shoe Day! I have never had a bad day while wearing them.

  8. I can't wait to SEE what you're wearing with these super adorable glittery shoes!
    RS Gold

  9. Very fun--I made a pair of Mod Podge/glitter shoes a couple years ago out of very similar Target shoes!


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