
merry and bright garland

Happy Thursday, friends!

Three fun tidbits to start off the day-
 basking in the blue glow of our tent at our Chick Fil A campout

1- We camped out at a Chick Fil A grand opening yesterday (they give you free meals for a year!). It was unseasonably warm (Colorado in December is not usually prime camping weather as you can imagine) and super fun to spend the day with Adam, my brother Aj and my sister-in-law Trish.

2- Adam PASSED his Board Exam (you might've already heard on FB)! Oh my- best. Christmas. present. ever!

3- Burke is enthralled with all things Christmas. Better yet- he sings Christmas carols all day right now. And his merriness is rubbing off on his mama.

So for this very-merry, 10-days-before-Christmas, whew-I'm-worn-out-from-camping-out-last-night Thursday, I thought I'd share a little how-to for the yarn wrapped light garland. Yep- it's a merry day indeed.

To make one of these merry gems, you'll need-
-replacement Christmas light bulbs
-colored yarn
-hot glue
-pipe cleaners
-a ribbon

First add a dot of hot glue to the tip of your Christmas light. 

Press the knotted end of your yarn into the glue.

Wrap the light with yarn, gluing periodically along the way.

Continue until the light is fully wrapped in yarn. 

Repeat until you have a little pile of yarn wrapped lights. 

Add a pipe cleaner hanger to the top of each light. 

String on a ribbon. 

Hang your garland, hum a little Christmas carol, and feel the merriness!

ps- I hope that this is obvious, but I realize that all of you don't celebrate Christmas, our share our belief system. At the same time, I'm sure you all know that the kojo blog is an extension of Jord and I and our lives. And since we do celebrate Christmas, of course, the blog reflects that each December. Thanks for hanging around!
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  1. Beautiful job! Very cute!

  2. Good, I can ask someone who has done this now, what is the deal with the Chick fil a grand opening? Do you have to camp out, or just go, or what? They're about to open one near my house and I NEED the details! Thanks!

  3. This garland is so precious. Huge colored Christmas lights never looked so cute!

    And why in the heck haven't any of the Chik-Fil-A's in my area done that! I feel jipped!

  4. we don't have chick fil a :(

    absolutely loving this garland, so festive, cheery...well merry and bright!! ;)

  5. This is such a cute idea! Very crafty, indeed! Congrats to hubby - now is your moment to shine!!!

    And...did you get the Chick-fa-A meal for a year for free?

  6. adorable garland & what fun memories camping out!

  7. Hey all! Thanks for the congrats to Adam (and the sweet garland comments)!
    @emorga2 The details on the openings are here- You just camp out for the 24 hours before the opening and they give you coupons for 52 free meals!
    @Samantha They just do them when the store opens- if there is a new one opening in your area, you can totally get in on the action! The link above gives all of the details! :)

  8. Congrats to your husband AND you! It's a 2-part effort for sure :) And great garland...I love those big bulbs, they seem so cartoony and fun to me. In a totally good way!

  9. Yay! Congrats to your husband...and you! :)

  10. I love it. so awesome. I want to make some, probably for next year. New follower. Would love a follow back.

  11. I Love them!!! And a very Merry Christmas to you and your family.


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