
i heart new year's challenge day 1- my white, organized, labeled spot

Day 1- Organize A Spot. Choose one area that is crying out for your organizational skill and go to town.
On our glorious Ikea field trip, I stocked up on a whole pile of white boxes. I've been busy filling the shelves of my craft room with tidy rows of white. And since it'd be uber-helpful to actually know the contents of each box without opening it or peaking inside, My Spot to organize today was the wall of white.

There was a whole host of sorting and organizing and filling boxes. As an added bonus, they're now all labeled as well. And I love them. All in a row. White and clean and labeled and organized. It delights me, probably more than I should admit on the internet.

As an added bonus, I made my labels into a page of free printables. You know, in case you have rows of white boxes crying out for labels as well.

Did you pick a spot to organize for Day 1? Be sure to leave a comment (or share a link to your progress and then comment) for a chance to win a sweet 2011 planner!


  1. I attacked my fabric...refolded it all and sorted it into colours! Stacked it nicely on the shelves...Now I can see what I have and get onto using it! THanks for the labels too...need to label all my white ikea boxes too!

  2. Will you share a picture?? I'd love to see how they turned out!

  3. Would love to see a pic of your organised whiteness when you are done!!

  4. I recently started crafting - but we don't have the room for it. All my crafting supplies/materials reside in cardboard boxes, in the living room, under the ironing board (aka my craft table). This coming week - I'm looking forward to managing the little space that I do have and maximizing it between better organization, useable space, and the (cute!) labels.

  5. Day 1 son's legos are in order! I found this link to help
    thanks for the motivation!

  6. My work space clean up was majorally done last week, but I did a bit more to finish it up today...I have a wall of red so I used what I had and some red wrapping paper, another roll and I will probably make more of my bins fade into the background... so I can focus moreon my ideas and people pay less attention to the quantity sinceits the other half of my kitchen

  7. I have decided to organize my "primping" area of the bathroom….I organized my hair clips by: bobbie pines, ponytail holders, clips, barrettes, brushes, combs, and "stylish" bobbies. Then I rearranged the "appliance" drawer, so the cords to the hairdryer, curling iron and straighten are all nicely arranged.

    The make-up section is another story. But mayeb for another day!

    CHEERS! Great contest!!

  8. I use the same white files - I love them. I also use the boxes you have on the top shelf to organize patterns. I leave the lids off and the patterns fit in perfectly. Gotta love IKEA!!! Such pretty labels.....


  9. I organized the kids toy... new and old. We purged those they have outgrown and found places for all the ones they decided to keep. It felt wonderful.

  10. I spent Sunday working on my scrapbook room too. I bought a LOT of the white boxes and magazine holders. I love how yours turned out, I never thought about turning them around - so now I'm inspired to change it up a little bit. Love all the colors and isn't that what makes crafting fun? Thanks for sharing!

  11. Mine and my husbands bedroom needed to really really be organized! 1/2 way done! Yeah!
    love the printable labels too - thank you!

  12. Love pretty! I would love to print out these labels. Is there a way for me to type in my words?


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