
hyatti- more roadtripping, more pacific northwest

Since I last checked in, we've traveled up the coast to Seattle and then east to Northern Idaho. More family time, more parks, more lakes (don't you love Sayla's 'beach prance' above?)... We are loving our roadtrip!

One funny thing- I realized that this week marks more than a month of us being with people every. single. day. (we're living with friends since we sold our house... add in family vacation and you have yourself quite the string of days-with-people). The surprise? We're not 'peopled out!' Kirstin would be going crazy (she falls more in the middle of the Introvert/Extrovert spectrum), but we're doing great. Even the girls must've inherited their mum's and dad's E-ness.

And it's a good thing because we still have a stop in Denver before we head back to Texas! Luckily Stetson (my brother's giant horsedog, above) is coming along, so Kead still has plenty of chances to hang out with him (have we told you that our brother and his wife are moving to Denver? Lucky Kirst!).

Any lakes, parks, roadtrips in your life this week? Where do you fall on the Introvert/Extrovert spectrum? Do any of you have St. Bernard's?

ps- If you live in Denver (or the surrounding area), and are interested in meeting up sometime, email Kirst (kojodesigns AT hotmail)! She's joining a few other Denver bloggers in trying to plan an August Girl's Night Out. I might even be there too!


  1. sounds like fun! Iæm not American but wouldn't Idaho be east of Seattle? Tone

  2. Most beautiful photo's. Love the horsedog!


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